Daily Reflection – April 4

“In order to acquire a solid habit of any virtue, it is necessary to form good resolutions on the particular acts of this virtue and be faithful in executing them.” (CCD 2:217) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, only you can give me the courage to...

Daily Reflection – April 3

“When we think that we have done our duty well, we believe that we have earned some credit and we wait for a reward. However, Charity is gratuitous; it is its own reward.” – Rev. Joseph Jamet, C.M. – Lord, help me to understand the truth of...

Quote of the Day – April 3

Love one another, bear with one another, support one another and be united in the Spirit of God who has chosen you for this great undertaking and will preserve you for its fulfillment (V:441).

Daily Reflection – April 2

“We cannot be guilty of an excess in true hope, which can never be too great because it is founded on the goodness of my God and the merits of Jesus Christ.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Dear Lord, when I am immersed in trouble and imagine the worst...