Quote of the Day – April 12

A plowman has to wait a long time before seeing the fruits of his plowing, and sometimes he does not see the abundant harvest his sowing has produced (V:463).

Daily Reflection – April 11

“Why should others be more persistent in persuading me to trifles than I in adhering to that which I know is right?” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Sometimes, adhering to what I know to be a right course of action may require a great deal of...

Quote of the Day – April 11

Since all these graces have been prepared for you, and our good God, who grants them, desires nothing so much as to lavish them on those who truly want to make use of them, what is there to prevent you from being filled with them, destroying by their power all that...

Daily Reflection – April 10

“Pride is a most pernicious vice, and the more to be dreaded as we are strongly inclined to it by nature.” (CCD 11:45) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, I thank you for loving and sustaining me in spite of my foolish pride, which tempts me to...

Quote of the Day – April 10

You know the will of God cannot be made known to us more clearly in events than when they happen without our intervention or in a way other than we requested (V:459).