Quote of the Day – April 22

What a great rest God is preparing for you in heaven, since you take so little on earth, where you are consuming your life for the love of Our Lord, who gave His own for our salvation (V:531).

Daily Reflection – April 21

“A fault may serve for our advancement when it serves to humble us.” (SW: 285) – St. Louise de Marillac – Lord, make me aware of the prejudice, jealousy and other faults to which I so often yield. I am humbled by your love for me in spite of...

Quote of the Day – April 21

You will merit just as much by patiently awaiting the Master’s will as by doing it when it is made known to you, since you are ready for anything— ready to leave, ready to remain (V:528-529).

Daily Reflection – April 20

“Sickness is not an evil which we should fear, but a most efficacious means of sanctifying our souls. To murmur when God sends it is to complain of his having done us good.” (CCD 10:405) – St. Vincent de Paul – When I am ill, I will do my best...

Quote of the Day – April 20

I praise God for the zeal with which your workers are laboring and for the other graces He bestows on them and, through them, on the people. I ask His Infinite Goodness to grant them the strength of body and mind needed for such an important and arduous ministry as...