Quote of the Day – May 2

We should consider that everything done for God is important, convinced that there are no insignificant duties in His house and that the least of them, when entrusted to us, honor us too greatly (V:626).

Daily Reflection – May 1

“Begin again today; what is lost must not cause dejection; what is gained will be lost if you do not begin afresh as if nothing had been done.” (CW 1:468) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Heavenly Father, I am grateful for this new day. Nothing can...

Quote of the Day – May 1

God’s inspirations are gentle, attractive, and almost imperceptible, whereas the movements of nature and the suggestions of the devil upset and torment the soul by their violence (V:613).

Daily Reflection – April 30

“We should watch over the interests of others as well as do our own, and be careful to act on every occasion with uprightness and fidelity.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Today, I will be careful to treat others as I myself want to be treated. Be...

Quote of the Day – April 30

To belong to God, it is enough to want to belong to Him in the best way His best children can be, honored with the title of servants of the Gospel (V:593).