Daily Reflection

“I beg you to consider all things in the designs of Providence and, while humbly and carefully doing your share to contribute to success, leave the rest to the good pleasure of God.” (CCD 7:390) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, the real test of...

Daily Reflection

“Corporal maladies are advantageous to us when we suffer them for the love of God and with conformity to His holy will. We prove thereby that the soul, the nobler part of our being, is in perfect health.” (SW: 326) – St. Louise de Marillac –...

Quote of the Day

I think the trouble caused in religious Orders by the brothers arises from the fact that they are kept in too lowly a position. Here we want to treat our Brothers as servants, even though it is true to say that most of them are more virtuous than most of us....

Daily Reflection

“You should bring to the sick two kinds of food: corporal food and spiritual food; that is to say, some little word from your meditation, were it only five or six words, to help them to acquit themselves of their duty as Christians or to bear their sufferings...