Quote of the Day

The misery of the war is really cooling the enthusiasm of those who could make a contribution (II:358).

Daily Reflection

“Seek God in all things. In all your actions submit your motives to this unerring test: will this be approved by his all-seeing eye?” (CW 2:710) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Even when I think my motives are the purest, I can still find a lot of...

Quote of the Day

Our Lord humbles in order to raise up and allows the suffering of interior and exterior afflictions in order to bring about peace (II:350).

Daily Reflection

“God does not ask you to go beyond the means he has given you.” (CCD 7:523) – St. Vincent de Paul – O God, assist me today to use well the resources you give me for service to your poor ones.

Quote of the Day

One must be firm and unchanging with regard to the end but gentle and humble as to the means (II:332).