Daily Reflection – May 24

“How can we live an interior life until some of our natural rubbish is removed?” (CW 3a:259-260) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Lord, I want to be whole. Heal whatever in me is broken. In spite of the pain I sometimes feel in my life, I appreciate...

Daily Reflection – May 23

“The more you give to our Lord, the more blessings you will receive. His yoke is sweet to him who embraces it willingly.” (CCD 7:203) – St. Vincent de Paul – Today, Lord, in thanksgiving for your many blessings, I will find a little time to...

Quote of the Day – May 23

You should be no more discouraged with suffering some aversion than travelers are with difficulties or sailors with storms. Each strives calmly to weather them so as to arrive at the place he plans to reach (VI:144).

Daily Reflection – May 22

“Do not burden yourself with rules and practices; strengthen yourself to fulfill well those you have, especially as regards your daily actions and employments; in short, let your greatest concern be to do well what you do.” (CCD 1:375-6) – St....