Daily Reflection – June 3

“When the Spirit of God dwells in souls, he delivers them from that weakness which makes them ask, ‘What will people say?'” (SW: 269) – St. Louise de Marillac – Deliver me, Lord, from being overly concerned about the opinions of others...

Quote of the Day – June 3

May God be pleased to strengthen you with His grace so that, by sanctifying your soul more and more, He will also sanctify, through it, the souls of the people (VI:257).

Daily Reflection – June 2

“Charity is like a flame which soars aloft. When present in a soul, charity raises it aloft to God and draws God to it in such a way that if you could see the beauty of it, you would fall in love with it and be transported with astonishment.” (CCD 10:452)...

Quote of the Day – June 2

I ask Our Lord, whom you serve so effectively, to be Himself your strength so that you may sustain with vigor and merit the exterior and interior trials you are undergoing and receive the reward promised to those who persevere. This reward is so precious that, in...

Daily Reflection – June 1

“The best ingredients of happiness are: order, peace and solitude.” (CW 2:83) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Sometimes I look for happiness in the wrong places, Lord. Today I will think of ways to provide time for the solitude I need to recharge...