Daily Reflection

“Every good action is a grain of seed for eternal life.” (CW 3a:488) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Time seems to fly by these days and now I am painfully aware of the missed opportunities for good I could have done. Help me to be less concerned...

Quote of the Day

We must give our attention mainly to the poor villages, because as far as the towns are concerned, it will never be any different. We are deluding ourselves by dallying in them (I:347).

Daily Reflection

“Allow yourself to be led by His fatherly love, for He does love us and is far from rejecting a righteous man; He will not even abandon a wicked man who hopes in His mercy.” (CCD 4:317) – St. Vincent de Paul – Heavenly Father, the only thing I...

Daily Reflection

“Our good God knows how to knock the pride out of us.” (SW: 271) – St. Louise de Marillac – Dear God, don’t let me become proud or complacent about my achievements. In everything, teach me to be humble and acknowledge that of myself I...