Quote of the Day

May God grant us the grace to abandon ourselves complete into the arms of his Divine Goodness (VI:545).

Daily Reflection

“Since God has entrusted to you the care of the family, he will impart to you the requisite qualities for the proper discharge of that duty. Let him act and do not be disturbed when things go against your wishes. Be particularly on your guard not to give pain to...

Quote of the Day

The practice of charity, such as assisting the suffering members of Our Lord, is to be preferred to all other exercises (VI:514).

Daily Reflection

“How fortunate you are to have such a large number of sick to look after! Oh how obvious it is that God loves you since he gives you so many opportunities of serving him! Continue to do this for love of him, with all the necessary gentleness, care, and...

Quote of the Day

Things will be as God pleases; from the ashes of these servants of His, I hope He will create a large number of perfect Missionaries (VI:506).