Daily Reflection

“Continue to look after your sick and your little girls, in union with the care Our Lord took of the sick and little children— services which he strongly recommended to others. Life is short and great is the reward.” (CCD 5:220) – St. Vincent de Paul...

Quote of the Day

I thank God for your willingness to do His Holy Will, no matter what the cost, with no regard for your own inclinations (VI:604).

Daily Reflection

“I beg Our Lord that in his goodness he may animate you with his true Spirit.” (CCD 13b:295) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, your love is so great it extends beyond all boundaries of human understanding. Enkindle in me a great desire to spread...

Quote of the Day

This is how God usually works: He separates and then reunites; He distances and then brings close together; He takes away and then gives back; lastly, He destroys and restores, leaving nothing permanent in this life (VI:569).

Daily Reflection

“What are our real trials? By what name shall we call them? One cuts out a cross of pride, another of causeless discontent, another one of restless impatience or peevish fretfulness. But is the whole any better than children’s play if looked at with the...