Quote of the Day

Now we have many Missionaries in heaven. There is no room to doubt this since they all made the supreme sacrifice of their lives for charity and there is no greater love than to give one’s life for the neighbor (VII:15).

Daily Reflection

“This union of my soul with God is my wealth in poverty and joy in deepest affliction.” (CW 2:489) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – O God, see my poverty and have pity on me. Enable me to share freely the gifts you have given and find true...

Daily Reflection

“There are very few for so much work! Our Lord will have to labor with you.” (CCD 1:71) – St. Vincent de Paul – When the volume of work overwhelms me and I am discouraged because of shortages of staff, remind me Lord, that it only takes a small...

Quote of the Day

I ask Our Lord to give you a share of His humility and patience to overcome your difficulties (VII:2).