Daily Reflection

“You know how unwilling we are to deny ourselves, how unwilling to be reproved and contradicted, how a trifling thing will make us sad, how we delight to be commended while, with a sort of natural cruelty we see blame and faults in others which we are scarcely...

Daily Reflection

“O sir, what a faithful image of Our Lord is participation in the meekness and humility of his heart! How it portrays his manner of acting, especially when firmness accompanies it.” (CCD 2:403) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, in imitation of you,...

Daily Reflection

“We must receive with respect whatever God presents to us, and then examine the situation with its circumstances in order to do what is most expedient.” (CCD 5:636) – St. Vincent de Paul – In resolving situations in my work, Lord, nothing can...