Quote of the Day

Since progress on your establishment is slow, you must be patient. In this world, things that of their nature must last longer are the ones that take the longest to develop (VII:235).

Daily Reflection

“The virtue of gratitude will prepare our hearts to receive the graces we need to serve the sick and poor with meekness and compassion.” (SW 434) – St. Louise de Marillac – Lord, I am humbled by the many ways you continually bless me and the...

Quote of the Day

Put your trust in God’s great goodness and offer yourself frequently to God that He may accomplish His good pleasure in and through you (VII:218).

Daily Reflection

“No matter what others say or do, even if the wicked succeed, do not be troubled: commit everything to God and put your trust in him.” (CCD 7:612) – St. Vincent de Paul – If I place my trust in you, Lord, I will not be concerned about what...

Quote of the Day

Our Lord’s yoke is easy to those who welcome it willingly and your burden will be light if you compare it with that of Jesus Christ (VII:203).