Daily Reflection

“How liable we are to err in our judgments respecting others unless we thoroughly know the motives of their actions.” (CW 1:22) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – How easy it is to rashly judge the actions of others! Lord, if I err regarding others,...

Quote of the Day

Our happiness lies in the Cross and Our Lord willed to enter His glory only through difficult things He endured (VII:246).

Daily Reflection

“Evenness of temper is a particular virtue, a state which supposes an aggregate of all the virtues, an external manifestation of the peace and beauty of the interior.” – St. Vincent de Paul – How many occasions for petty aggravation come up...

Daily Reflection

“…Our vocation is to set the hearts of men on fire, to do what the Son of God did, who came to set the world on fire…” (CCD 12:215) – St. Vincent de Paul – Inspire me with enthusiasm for your work, Lord, that others may be drawn...