“No matter what others say or do, even if the wicked succeed, do not be troubled: commit everything to God and put your trust in him.” – St. Vincent de Paul If I place my trust in you, Lord, I will not be concerned about what others think or...
A sure way for a Christian to grow rapidly in holiness is a conscientious effort to carry out God’s will in all circumstances and at all times (XIIIb:433-434).
“You know how unwilling we are to deny ourselves, how unwilling to be reproved and contradicted, how a trifling thing will make us sad, how we delight to be commended while, with a sort of natural cruelty we see blame and faults in others which we are scarcely...
“O sir, what a faithful image of Our Lord is participation in the meekness and humility of his heart! How it portrays his manner of acting, especially when firmness accompanies it.” – St. Vincent de Paul Lord, in imitation of you, teach me how to be...