Quote of the Day

Always tend toward lowliness, and love of your own abjection, and the desire for contempt and shame (VII:305).

Daily Reflection

“Our Lord, eternal and infinite, is the splendor of glory, the fountainhead and source of all grace and beauty.” (CCD 13a: 41) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, I will be content to rest in the shelter of your wings and sing your...

Quote of the Day

Delay has not spoiled anything up until now, and I hope it will spoil nothing in the future (VII:304).

Daily Reflection

“Let us labor together at God’s work with great meekness and humility; these are solid virtues.” (SW 391, 397) – St. Louise de Marillac – Contrary to what we may think, it takes a lot of strength to act with calm gentleness in the face of...

Quote of the Day

Remember that patience is as necessary to bear with ourselves as charity is to bear with the neighbor. May God be pleased to give us both (VII:291).