Quote of the Day – July 13

The art of loving God is to love Him; likewise, the art of acquiring humility is to humble ourselves, and more we advance in this practice, the more we will resemble our Lord (XIIIb:341).

Daily Reflection – July 13

“By love, Our Lord won over those he wanted to believe in Him. No matter how much we exert ourselves, people will never have faith in us unless we show charity and compassion to those whom we wish to believe in us.” – St. Vincent de Paul Good works,...

Quote of the Day – July 12

Who could understand the height, the depth, the sublimity of the grace by which God renders a soul worthy of being used where and as He wishes? (XIIIb:340).

Daily Reflection – July 12

“The greater my unworthiness, the more abundant His mercy.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Lord, I know you have a special love for the poor and the little in the eyes of the world, so I ask you, today, for the openness and candor of a little child who is...