Quote of the Day – July 12

Who could understand the height, the depth, the sublimity of the grace by which God renders a soul worthy of being used where and as He wishes? (XIIIb:340).

Daily Reflection – July 12

“The greater my unworthiness, the more abundant His mercy.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Lord, I know you have a special love for the poor and the little in the eyes of the world, so I ask you, today, for the openness and candor of a little child who is...

Daily Reflection – July 11

“We do not put faith in a man because he is learned, but we esteem and love him because he is good.” – St. Vincent de Paul Knowledge without integrity isn’t worth very much. Lord, keep this truth ever before me.

Quote of the Day – July 11

As we empty ourselves of self and of the desire to be noticed, esteemed, and respected, God will fill our souls with graces and blessings, given to each according to the degree of perfection He demands (XIIIb:337).

Quote of the Day – July 10

How true it is that a person must be called by God in order to be stable in any vocation whatsoever; otherwise there is nothing but wavering and inconstancy (XIIIb:333).