Daily Reflection

“Have patience, and have it in Our Lord who is pleased to try you.” (CCD 13b: 152) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, when I am tempted to be impatient with others or myself, fill me with the gentleness and compassion you always showed to those in...

Quote of the Day

What does it matter where God is served, provided he is served, that it be done on behalf of souls for whom Jesus Christ has died and that it be done through ways most advantageous for them (VII:346-347).

Daily Reflection

“How good it is to trust God! Turn to him often, then, as children look to their father and mother in their needs.” (SW 277) – St. Louise de Marillac – In your sight, Lord, no situation or need of my life is trivial. Help me to remember I am...

Quote of the Day

Let us remain lowly and be glad to be poor because when the world sees us debased in this way, it will despise us (VII:344).

Daily Reflection

“Whatever may happen, you must not fret but rise above it and remain in peace. No harm can befall you if God does not will it; and if he permits it, it will be for a good end since, to those who serve Him, all things turn out for the best.” (CCD 8:297-298)...