Quote of the Day

We must have a high regard for the promises we make to God and, ever more, for carrying them out (VII:383).

Daily Reflection

“Our love of God is always opposed by our self-love, our love of one another by the miserable pride and pretension which creates jealousy, rash judgment and the pitiful dislikes and impatience which so often trouble us and wound charity.” (CW 3a:259)...

Quote of the Day

If you give only very little to the poor out of helplessness, you give a great deal to God out of love since you offer God your own comfort, your heavy labors and your life (VII:380).

Daily Reflection

“While we dilly-dally with our plans, God raises up others to do what he had first asked of us.” (CCD 2:350) – St. Vincent de Paul – Sometimes, Lord, I am so prone to procrastinate, especially over unpleasant issues. Give me the courage to act...

Quote of the Day

Those who are armed with virtue and with confidence in their Divine Captain will return laden with spoils of the enemy (VII:362).