Daily Reflection

“God does not ask you to go beyond the means he has given you.” (CCD 7:523) – St. Vincent de Paul – O God, assist me today to use well the resources you give me for service to your poor ones.

Quote of the Day

How consoled you will be at the hour of death for having consumed your life for the same reason for which Jesus Christ gave His life– for charity, for God, for the poor (VII:397).

Daily Reflection

“If we wish to give satisfaction to our good God, we must not stop to consider what we would like to do, but rather what he wishes us to do. Our Lord will know where to find you when he intends to give you other work to do.” (SW 604-605) – St. Louise...

Quote of the Day

It is not men who make things go well, but God, who sometimes allows them to go differently than the way we would like so as to make us realize that we can do nothing about them or to try our patience (VII:389).

Daily Reflection

“Our Lord will counsel you what to do.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Where would I be, Lord, without your presence within me? You are always there, ready to counsel and guide me. All I have to do is ask!