Daily Reflection – November 10

“You should bring to the sick two kinds of food: corporal food and spiritual food; that is to say, some little word from your meditation, were it only five or six words, to help them to acquit themselves of their duty as Christians or to bear their sufferings...

Quote of the Day – November 10

Enlightenment from on high is needed to raise us up in order to show us the height and depth, the breadth and the excellence of God’s love (XII:213).

Daily Reflection – November 9

“To serve the poor is to serve Jesus Christ. O my daughters, how true this is! You serve Jesus Christ in the person of the poor, and this is as true as that we are here present.” – St. Vincent de Paul May I see your image, Lord, in every person I...

Daily Reflection – November 8

“This union of my soul with God is my wealth in poverty and joy in deepest afflictions.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Lord, let nothing today prevent me from enjoying your dwelling within me.