Quote of the Day – January 22

Remember that the faults of the children are not always imputed to the parents, especially when they have had them educated and have given them good example (I:314).

Daily Reflection – January 21

“Usually, God wills to save men [and women] through men [others]; Our Lord, himself, became man to save all.” – St. Vincent de Paul Lord, help me to care for others as you have cared for me. May no opportunity for an encouraging word or a listening...

Daily Reflection – January 20

“You must give the sick their remedies and nourishment at the proper time.” – St. Vincent de Paul If healing or a cure is to take place, the plan of care for the sick must be strictly kept. Lord, help me to be diligent in carrying out what is...

Quote of the Day – January 20

How I fear large numbers and expansion. What reason we have to praise God for allowing us to honor the small number of the disciples of His Son (I:304).