Daily Reflection

“Charity is the cement that unites communities to God and individuals to each other, so that he who contributes to the union of hearts in a community binds it indissolubly to God.” (CCD 2:413) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, give me a heart so...

Quote of the Day

How very precious is a good missionary! God must raise him up and fashion him; that is the work of His omnipotence and His great goodness (VII:626).

Daily Reflection

“We must never be surprised when those upon whom we relied fail us; it is then that God steps in to do his work.” (CCD 5:442) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, when those in whom I trust fail me and all seems lost, teach me to forgive from my...

Quote of the Day

If you want to have peace of heart and a thousand blessings from God, do not listen any longer either to your own judgment or your will (VII:589).

Daily Reflection

“Religion does not limit the powers of the affections, for our Blessed Savior sanctifies and approves in us all the endearing ties and connections of our existence. Religion alone can bind the cord over which neither circumstances, time, nor death have any...