Daily Reflection

“We must know how to wait with patience and to expect more from God than from men.” – St. Vincent de Paul – O God, your love for me is constant and true. Help me to be most fully the person you want me to be. I believe you will grant what I ask...

Quote of the Day

I praise God for the zeal He gives you for the advancement of His glory and the public good (VIII:13).

Daily Reflection

“The greater my unworthiness, the more abundant is His mercy.” (CW 2:41) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Heavenly Father, in spite of my great unworthiness you constantly favor me with your mercy. How can I ever thank you for so much...

Quote of the Day

May God in His infinite goodness continue to give and increase His graces in you (VIII:5).

Daily Reflection

“May God remain forever in your heart and give you the strength necessary for every trial.” (CCD 6:213) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, you know well what is in my heart. You know my every thought and desire. Strengthen what is weak and remove...