Quote of the Day

May it please God, in his infinite goodness, to fill you with His Spirit, in order to make Him known and loved among these poor people who are so disposed to embrace our holy faith (VIII:103).

Daily Reflection

“When God takes from us the power to labor, we should receive the trial courageously, letting it serve to elevate us above the things of earth and remembering that Our Lord, having permitted us to work for our neighbor, now wishes us to prepare for...

Quote of the Day

Continue to give God all the affection of your heart, the applications of your mind, and the work of your hands (VIII:65).

Daily Reflection

“…to be faithful is to persevere in the service of God right to the end, for without perseverance, all is lost.” (CCD 9:492) – St. Vincent de Paul – Blessed Father, only through your power can I successfully complete the work entrusted to...

Quote of the Day

The more persons living in religion distance themselves from poverty, the greater difficulty they will have in maintaining themselves (VIII:49).