Daily Reflection

“Instead of measuring your difficulties with your strength you must measure them with the powerful help you have a right to expect from God.” (CW 3b:83) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Often I fail to realize that I am never alone to cope with my...

Quote of the Day

We have begun a program here aimed at making all our Missionaries equally qualified for assignments in seminaries and on the missions (VIII:91).

Daily Reflection

“We respond more to the prick of a rose than to its fragrance.” (CCD 4:55) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, how true it is that I pray to you more often in adversity than in good times. Give me a grateful heart to praise your goodness when all is...

Quote of the Day

What great consolation you will one day have for having used such efficacious means to advance the sanctification of souls (VIII:75).

Daily Reflection

“Bitter thoughts come from the evil spirit; those from Our Lord are gentle and mild.” (CCD 1:314) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, it is so easy to yield to anger and impatience when things are stressful. Calm my quick temper when things...