Daily Reflection

“Have great trust in God. Ask Him to be always in your heart, in your words and in your actions and may everyone recognize that you are His.” (CCD 2:231) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, be with me throughout this day that all I think do or say...

Quote of the Day

Do not be afraid of announcing Christian truths to the people with the simplicity of the Gospel (VIII:173).

Daily Reflection

“Eternity! That voice to be everywhere understood. Eternity! To love and serve Him only who is to be loved and eternally served and praised in heaven.” (CW 3a:523) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Heavenly Father, when I experience the grief of...

Quote of the Day

One thing to which you should pay close attention is to destroy that evil spirit of drinking, which is a source of disorder among the clergy. To do so, you must strive to make them interior, prayerful persons, who will prefer to converse with God rather than to seek...

Daily Reflection

“I beg of you not to rush that affair, but let Divine Providence act.” (CCD 3:368) – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, I am so impatient to move ahead that I neglect to seek your counsel, sometimes even acting rashly. Inspire me with the wisdom to...