Daily Reflection – November 18

“The most excellent works are not those that have the most pomp, extent or renown, but rather those where you can most easily get at souls, and do them good.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Sometimes the work I do seems endless and without noticeable...

Quote of the Day – November 18

I cannot restrain myself and must tell you quite simply that this gives me renewed, greater desires to be able, in the midst of my petty infirmities, to go and finish my life near a bush, working in some village. I think I would be very happy to do so, if God were...

Daily Reflection – November 17

“When we meet with things very pleasing, before yielding to the joy they elicit, let us raise our hearts to God and thank His loving mercy which sends us the consolation.” – St. Louise de Marillac – Lord, it seems that I always call upon you...

Quote of the Day – November 17

You have enough to put up with from outsiders and from your duties without creating new trials within the community. These are the most distressing ones and would make of your house a little purgatory, whereas love will make of it a little paradise (V:169).

Quote of the Day – November 16

The duty of daughters of Our Lord who live and serve Him together and have only one same intention of making themselves pleasing in the eyes of God, is to cherish, help, and bear with one another while showing mutual respect (V:169).