Daily Reflection – January 10

“God accepts the undertakings of one who presents things frankly just as they are.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, I want to be open and honest in everything I do or say. Teach me to be truthful without subterfuge, neither embellishing nor...

Quote of the Day – January 9

Since you are not being helped by men, you could not do what you are doing without the hand of God, who not only strengthens you in this heavy work, but also touches the hearts of those who come to you (V:544).

Daily Reflection – January 9

“When in charity we feel we must give some spiritual counsel, we must never be so egotistical as to expect a hungry man, or one distracted by worry over the rent to listen to our words about God until we have helped to relieve his misery.” – Bl....

Daily Reflection – January 8

“Though the doctor is a member of the staff, he has need of your intelligent and devoted cooperation.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Heavenly Father, it is so important in this day and age for physicians and staff to work as a team. Keep me mindful...

Quote of the Day – January 8

The suffering of Our Lord caused His words to bear fruit, and your crosses will likewise cause the seed you sow to bear fruit in hearts (V:547).