Quote of the Day – January 12

The older I get the more convinced I am [of my unworthiness to be a priest] because day by day I discover how far removed I am from the state of perfection in which I should be living (V:569).

Daily Reflection – January 12

“Aid the sick in a constructive way and call upon their cooperation.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Sometimes sick people fail to cooperate because they are afraid or disturbed by their lack of control over their situation. Help me, Lord, to be a...

Daily Reflection – January 11

“True charity, in our century, consists less in giving relief than in understanding and sustaining the effort for liberation which is agitating the classes and the minority groups.” – Mother Suzanne Guillemin, D.C. – O God, purify me of all my...

Quote of the Day – January 11

If I had known what it was when I had the temerity to enter it [the priesthood] — I would have preferred to till the soil than to commit myself to such a formidable state of life (V:569).

Quote of the Day – January 10

How blessed are those who give themselves to God in this way to do what Jesus Christ did and to practice, after His example, the virtues he practiced: poverty, obedience, humility, patience, zeal, and the other virtues (V:554).