Daily Reflection – February 17

“Love is inventive, even to infinity.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Inventiveness takes a lot of energy and prayer. It is much safer to rely on the ‘tried and true’ than to risk failure in order to come up with ideas never thought of...

Quote of the Day – February 17

I ask Our Lord, whom you serve so effectively, to be Himself your strength so that you may sustain with vigor and merit the exterior and interior trials you are undergoing and receive the reward promised to those who persevere. This reward is so precious that, in...

Quote of the Day – February 16

If there is any good in us and in our manner of living, it comes from God, and it is up to God to manifest it, if he thinks it advisable. As for us, however, we are poor, ignorant, sinful men, who should keep ourselves hidden, as being useless for any good and...

Daily Reflection – February 16

“Every day we must direct our actions anew towards God and make them pass from the demands of nature to the call of grace.” – Mother Suzanne Guillemin, D.C. – Lord, as I begin this brand new day, help me to think less of my own selfish desires...

Daily Reflection – February 15

“It requires fortitude to be silent concerning personal ills and fatigue.” – St. Vincent de Paul – When I am tempted to relate every detail about my personal problems, Lord, help me to keep them to myself, realizing that others must deal with...