Daily Reflection – March 18

“Am I in full Charity with all?” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Today, I will examine my relationships in your presence, Lord, and see if my love for others is truly ‘full’, or if there are areas in need of...

Quote of the Day – March 18

We continue to ask God to complete the work of restoring the Congregation to its pristine glory and, above all, to give it peace (VII:36).

Quote of the Day – March 17

Continue always to be a consolation and relief to everyone for the love of Our Lord; by this means you will make yourself very pleasing to Him (VII:31).

Daily Reflection – March 17

“The perfection of prayer, as well as an interior perfection, does not consist in prayer of more or less sublimity, but in Charity.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, sometimes I am more caught up in the feelings I experience in prayer than in its...

Daily Reflection – March 16

“God does not ask us to keep an account of the visible fruits of our charity; he asks us simply to love ‘with all our strength’. He does not ask us to give him the world, but to ‘give him ourselves’.” – Rev. Joseph Jamet, C.M....