Quote of the Day – May 22

I can only be deeply grieved by the intense sufferings of the poor slaves and by my inability to procure some relief for them; may it please God to have pity on them (VII:523).

Daily Reflection – May 22

“Do not burden yourself with rules and practices; strengthen yourself to fulfill well those you have, especially as regards your daily actions and employments; in short, let your greatest concern be to do well what you do.” – St. Vincent de Paul...

Daily Reflection – May 21

“If only we have courage, we will go to heaven on horseback instead of idling and creeping along.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – I will pray today for fortitude, that wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit, which will enable me to overcome whatever...

Daily Reflection – May 20

“A grain of charity suffices to calm many anxieties and ease many differences.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Heavenly Father, when the opportunity to be a peacemaker comes my way, help me to accept it and show your love equally to those with...