Daily Reflection – July 11

“We do not put faith in a man because he is learned, but we esteem and love him because he is good.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Knowledge without integrity isn’t worth very much. Lord, keep this truth ever before me.

Quote of the Day – July 10

Trust in God’s infinite goodness, and you can be sure that He will strengthen you in the test he wills to make of your patience (VIII:233).

Daily Reflection – July 10

“When we meet with things very pleasing, before yielding to the joy they elicit, let us raise our hearts to God and thank his loving mercy which sends us the consolation.” – St. Louise de Marillac – So often, Lord, I turn to you with my needs...

Quote of the Day – July 9

Souls that surrender themselves to Our Lord to do and to suffer all things will be justified by Him and will have the honor and merit of resembling Him (VIII:233).

Daily Reflection – July 9

“Our Lord always has a share in replies which we make honestly, stating things just as they are, and He blesses them.” – St. Vincent de Paul – When I am tempted to avoid dealing with situations directly and openly, come to my assistance, Lord,...