Daily Reflection

“This union of my soul with God is my wealth in poverty and joy in deepest afflictions.” (CW 2:489) – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Lord, let nothing today prevent me from enjoying your dwelling within me.

Quote of the Day

You have a thousand reasons to rejoice in God and to hope for everything from Him through Our Lord who dwells in you (VIII:374).

Daily Reflection

“The good God always does our business when we do His.” (CCD 7:363) – St. Vincent de Paul – Sometimes Lord, I have trouble keeping my priorities straight. When this happens, turn me around to the right path.

Quote of the Day

What a great treasure is a good Missionary and how few people in this world are willing to serve God and His Church in purity of faith, detachment from creatures, and self-abnegation (VIII:367).

Daily Reflection

“May the radiance of your charity be a beaming light, and may there never appear amongst you, either in the community, or with outsiders, or in speaking about them, any rivalry, jealousy or that spirit of the world which inclines us to criticize, blame or...