The (Haitian) Woman at the Well

From Zafen … HAITIANS ARE THIRSTY FOR CLEAN WATER! Your donation can give families in Cayes-Jacmel a ceramic clean water filter certified as the best way to purify water if it isn’t boiled. This project will  provide safe drinking water to as many rural families...

Great news from Zafen! Getting it done!

“MercyCorps is lending 50% of the outstanding loan amounts to all Zafen projects currently on the site, up to 15,000 dollars. Their generosity is made possible thanks to support from Western Union, and because no current loan requests exceed $30,000, each loan...

When does change begin in Haiti?

“Until people affected by hardship can put their own efforts behind their recovery, change never really begins. ” So writes a Zafèn lender the anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti. From a Zafèn press release… As the world’s attention returns to...