Zafen projects without support

Perhaps you can find “teams” for several projects posted on Zafen that have not received any support so far. Click the link and check out the bottom three projects on that page. Maybe something will interest you today. Zafèn Projects...

Doodling for Zafen???

Calling all Vincentian artists and wannabes! How about doodling for Zafen. sponsoring a doodle contest. “Doodle Something Good in the World.” If you think Zafen is doing something good in the world and like to doodle, try your hand! the...

DePaul “Taste for Zafen” raised $15,000

More than 200 members of the DePaul community and friends turned out April 1 to raise over $15,000 for Haiti and celebrate Zafèn’s first anniversary. Zafèn is the onlinemicrofinance program the International Vincentian Family partnered to launch on the 350th...