Searching for “Maloney” has restructured the way it can be searched and made other improvements. By way of a quick example try the following search for Maloney, one of the most popular writers on matters Vincentian. Using some new capabilities provided by Google our search box...

Columnist asks: Where are our saints?

In an article which asks, “Where are our saints?”, Sister of Charity Miriam Teresa Demjanovich’s name is mentioned. Read the article and, if you haven’t already done so, take a look at the evolving entry at Vincentian Encyclopedia.

For the Feast of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam

Here are some things to look at and share as his feast day — Sunday — approaches: The Life, Times, and Words of Frederic Ozanam includes a treasury of quotations; the Vincentian Center for Church and Society also hosts what might be the most in depth site...