by John Freund, CM | Dec 29, 2008 | Daughters of Charity, Sisters of Charity, Vincentian Family
Writing in the National Catholc Reporter, Richard McBrien features Elizabeth as one of three North American models of holiness in this season.
by John Freund, CM | Dec 29, 2008 | Congregation of the Mission, Missions inter gentes, Vincentian Family
Fr. Dandy Labitag, CM pastor of the remote Parish of Dawu also celebrated the Midnight Mass to commemorate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The children from Anshuo Chapel played the story of the Nativity. Fr. Labitag is known to famvin viewers for his wonderful...
by John Freund, CM | Dec 28, 2008 | Vincentian Family
Captain Charles: Engineer of Charity is about the man who brought ‘Vinnies’ to New South Wales.  The proceeds of the book by Stephen Utick will go to Vinnie’s work for the homeless. Hear the interview with the author or read the transcript.
by Beth | Dec 24, 2008 | Featured
by John Freund, CM | Oct 19, 2008 | Vincentian Family
One of the under-utilized features of the famvin site is a calendar that lists major events in each branch. Currently it can be found on the right side of every famvin page. Feel free to add your major events either directly or by sending a message to famvin using the...