by John Freund, CM | Dec 20, 2009 | Featured, Vincentian Family
Fr. Gregory Gay, CM sends greetings to all the followers of Vincent and Louise via famvin’s YouTube video.
by John Freund, CM | Nov 2, 2009 | Featured, Vincentian Family
VinFormation has added another section entitled “Heroes and Heroines of the Vincentian Family” Tell us what you think and who you think should be included in this list by clkicking on the contact us link on this page.
by John Freund, CM | Oct 8, 2009 | Vincentian Family
Lisa Bright of FamVin Australia writes that In December 2009, FAMVIN Australia are organising an Encounter Experience regarding the work of the Vincentian Family in Fiji. You are invited to apply to take part in this 10 day experience which aims to provide an...
by John Freund, CM | Sep 17, 2009 | Systemic change, Vincentian Family
One doesn’t need to read Spanish to sense the joy of the Vincentian Family gathering in Ica, Peru August 22. Almost 100 people from various branches of the family gathered to focus on systemic change.
by John Freund, CM | Sep 15, 2009 | Formation, Vincentian Family
The keynote speaker, Ms Boisvert, is the Social Justice Minister for the Pax Christi Catholic Community in northern Michigan, and was a key-note speaker at the 2009 National Vincentian Family Gathering. Come celebrate with us Saturday, November 14, 2009 and be...