by John Freund, CM | Sep 14, 2013 | Justice and Peace
“Saint Vincent taught us that” resonated in her heart as Mother Guillemin heard the teachings of the Second Vatican Council. “Vincent de Paul, his teaching and his life were centuries ahead of the Church’s magisterium.” Thus writes Sister María Pilar...
by Famvin Media Resources | Sep 13, 2013 | Church, Evangelization, News
As the Year of Faith draws to an end we at FamVin/VinFormation end our monthly series of reflections “Year of Faith” and begin a new weekly series “Formation Fridays”. The Year of Faith was a call to deepen our faith and engage in...
by John Freund, CM | Sep 11, 2013 | Pope
The poor are “privileged teachers of our knowledge of God; their fragility and simplicity unmask our egoism, our false sense of security, our purported self-sufficiency, and lead us to experience the nearness and tenderness of God.” Pope Francis. ...
by John Freund, CM | Sep 7, 2013 | Spirituality and Spiritual Practice, Vincentian Family
Robert Maloney, CM wrote in 2003, a time similar the Pope’s appeals for peace… “Having already written about several aspects of this topic, and because of its very broad scope, in this article I will restrict my focus to peace in the sense in which...
by John Freund, CM | Aug 26, 2013 | Congregation of the Mission, Daughters of Charity, Vincentian Family
Unfortunately, it cannot be taken for granted in the Solomons to attend school, and illiteracy is a major problem, especially among girls. This is why education has been chosen as the spine of the project St. Vincent and Louise Centre. It is our aim to enable those...