To see, judge and act as Vincent

To see, judge and act as Vincent

Using the methodology SEE-JUDGE-ACT. Rev. Emeric Amyot d’Inville, CM  reflects  on “To see and discern the present day challenges from the perspective of St. Vincent” in this translation of a presentation from the Vincentian Study Weeks in Spain....

Vincent’s experience of the beatitudes

In this final excerpt from an article by Sister María Angeles Infante, DC, “St Vincent de Paul: A Man of the Gospel”, she focuses on how Vincent experienced the beatitudes.” As he explained the beatitudes as essential maxims of Jesus Christ, Vincent...

Vincent and the attitudes of Jesus

St. Vincent de Paul: A Man of the Gospel: Sister María Angeles Infante, DC. Sister continues her study by presenting how Vincent had the same attitudes as Christ [Philippians 2:5]. Vincent frequently meditated on and commented on Saint Paul’s recommendation (have...