Understanding the piety of the Pope

“In Argentina, they say that if you want to understand the priestly soul of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, then you have to know the villas miserias, literally “villas of misery,” meaning the slums in Buenos Aires where the poorest of the poor are found...
Vincent – The Irritable Saint

Vincent – The Irritable Saint

Chesterton once said that the difference between a sinner and saint is not that the saint doesn’t sin. The difference is that the saint knows they’re a sinner. This is what strikes me with St. Vincent de Paul. You might expect, and certainly you will get to some...

Francis and Vincent on Mercy

A comparison of Pope Francis and St. Vincent on mercy Pope Francis views morality as response to God’s mercy  Value of Mercy according to Vincent de Paul recently translated from a Spanish study. Pope Francis views morality as response to God’s mercy ....
FAMVIN posts on Pope Francis

FAMVIN posts on Pope Francis

It has been a momentous week following the elections and installation of Pope Francis. The following posts were among the most visited on famvin.org Pope Francis and St. Vincent Cardinal Bergoglio’s Lenten Letter, 2013 Pope’s prayer for Cardinal electors A Vincentian...