by John Freund, CM | Mar 28, 2012 | Vincentian Family
Vinnie’s Wallet to offer loans for men in need. The Catholic Register writes, “The St. Vincent de Paul Society and the Ursuline Sisters in Chatham, Ont., are not likely to make a dent in Canada’s $2 billion per year payday loan industry, but in their own small...
by John Freund, CM | Mar 24, 2012 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses
This weekend, millions of people will flock to the theaters to see “The Hunger Games.” Millions more will suffer from hunger today.For all the hype that has been generated by and for this movie, have we put the same energy behind combating the reality of...
by John Freund, CM | Mar 24, 2012 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses
The box office numbers for the movie are not in yet… but they are for  the Reality Game version called “Chicken a la carte”. Approximately a quarter of million people have watched a version of  a YouTube video  shows a forgotten portion of the...
by John Freund, CM | Mar 8, 2012 | Vincentian Family
Responding to the request of Pope John Paul II for Vincentians to address underlying causes and long term solutions (1986) and the subsequent thrust of all the various branches of the Vincentian Family, Society of St. Vincent de Paul National President, Sheila...
by John Freund, CM | Jan 15, 2012 | Justice and Peace
“…evangelization and mission, without a Justice Peace Integrity of Creation perspective, cannot be authentic. ” Among the resources offered in its most recent newsletter.. 1.1 JPIC Formation – PDF files: The book ‘Guide us in your justice: A...