From corporate world to SVDP CEO

A passion for social justice and helping the homeless  Michael Perusco has no regrets about quitting the corporate world to focus on the vulnerable, marginalised and the homeless, but admits his experience as a chartered accountant was an asset during his years time...
Frederick Ozanam and Social Justice

Frederick Ozanam and Social Justice

“I ask you: let us occupy ourselves with people who have too many needs and not enough rights, who call out rightly for a greater involvement in public affairs, for guarantees of work — and who cry out against misery.” Frederick Ozanam wrote to his...
The not so social gospel

The not so social gospel

James Martin offers a tongue in cheek version of this newly discovered not so social gospel. The Lazy Paralytic The Very Poorly Prepared Crowd The Rich and Therefore Blessed Young Man The Lazy Paralytic 1. When Jesus returned to Capernaum after some days, it was...