Modern Form of Slavery Rampant at World Cup

BERLIN, JUNE 10, 2006 ( Many are muting their cheers for the World Cup competition just getting under way in Germany. In the months leading up to the event, protests grew over plans to “import” large numbers of women to serve as prostitutes for...

Multi-lingual Resource for Human Trafficing Issues

Asia Foundation Launches New Multi-Lingual Web Portal dealing with issues related to the fact that every year thousands of people, primarily women and children, are trafficked within and across borders and forced to work in the sex industry, in sweat shops, and in...

6,000 Slaves Freed in Sudan,

ROME, APRIL 22, 2002 ( Just weeks after completing a daring slave redemption mission, Christian Solidarity International (CSI) returned to Sudan on April 6 for a follow-up trip. During this trip, CSI’s network of Arab retrievers, who risk their lives...