Why children need heroes

Why children need heroes

Caroline Myss writes on Why Children Need Heroes How about celebrating our heroes in faith and life… Children need heroes in their lives almost as much as they need their parents. I said “almost” but it’s a close second. I realize that this may...

Encountering modern saints via technology

The new technologies add a new dimension to the devotion of saints. From anywhere in the world, it becomes plausible to see them and learn what they’re like. It’s a new tool to aid the Church in the New Evangelization. Not too long ago, the only way to...
Saints who were slaves

Saints who were slaves

With more than 12 million trafficked and enslaved people worldwide, the problem is enormous. But you can help. Let’s abolish slavery forever. The site is part of the Catholic Relief Services campaign to free modern day slaves. THis is a cause that would have...

Organizationally savvy saints

Sr. Regina Bechtle, a Sister of Charity of New York, counts many of our Vincentian Family saints as “organizationally savvy saints”  who understand the way of “both-and,” who have navigated times of institutional collapse, who excelled in creative collaboration, and...