by John Freund, CM | Jul 19, 2012 | Church
( The Society of St. Pius X has posted a document in regards to whether it will be in full communion with Rome, or not. The tone of the document is quite dry. Even though the traditionalist group doesn’t give an explicit... by John Freund, CM | Jun 24, 2012 | Technology: Issues and Uses
According to a video on for 17 years now a very special conference has taken place in Rome. It’s organized by the European Christian Internet Conference, which brings together European Christians who are serious and passionate about the Internet... by John Freund, CM | Jun 11, 2012 | Church, Uncategorized
(Â There are thousands of religious sites on the web. While it’s impossible to name them all, ROME REPORTS is listing 10 popular sites to mark World Day of Communication. They are sites that can help people find their faith while surfing the web.... by John Freund, CM | Jun 9, 2012 | Church
RomeReports writes, The monastic life is one of silence and prayer. Many convents are characterized by the products made by religious and then sold to visitors, however this method of bringing in extra income is changing. Many of these religious are now selling these... by John Freund, CM | Jun 8, 2012 | Church
( The leak of confidential Vatican documents seems to be in the news everyday. But the constant flow of information has brought about a lot of confusion and even factual mistakes. Here are some of the most common errors. The first mistake is the...