Vincent dePaul, prisoners & reform

Vincent dePaul, prisoners & reform

Given St. Vincent’s legendary concern for prisoners I suspect he would be very interested in this US hot button issue today. The issue today … “On August 12 Attorney General Eric Holder announced that federal prosecutors will circumvent federal...

Pope Francis in eyes of his parishioners

The London Guardian reports…His parishioners from the barrio of Buenos Aires where he was born and cut his political teeth say Pope Francis is likely to usher in the most radical change in the Catholic church in more than 50 years from the barrio of Buenos Aires...
Paul VI on Vatican II liturgy

Paul VI on Vatican II liturgy

The rejection of the Vatican II liturgy is a rejection of its ecclesiology and theology. In his newly published book True Reform: Liturgy and Ecclesiology in Sacrosanctum Concilium, Massimo Faggioli narrates Paul’s response when his philosopher friend Jean...

App “I’m getting arrested”

According to the Huffinton Post “In the state that signed into law the country’s most controversial and stringent immigration measure, SB-1070 in 2010, a new smartphone app is under way to help undocumented immigrants notify friends and family of their...